
My Family

Photo Album

Food For Thought

Harry Potter

HP Pictures

The Last Unicorn

Tolkiens Works LOTR

LOTR Characters

LOTR Places

LOTR Places II


Hollywood Crushes


Pictures! Pictures! Pictures!
The first page of my photo album! More pages to come!

Me and my best friend, Malarie!

Kaylyn and Me at homecoming.

Me, and my girl from Philly, Michelle!

My sister, Ate, and my lil' cousin, Marissa just finished our Gingerbread house! Isn't it adorable?

All for for all! The circle of friends. Me, Kady, Malarie, and Megan.

My best friend Malarie, and Lauren! Posing for a pic from Spring dance! You gurls are gorgeous!

Michelle! Welcome to Cow Country! LOL. This is it! My sister, Me, and Michelle over the summer.

Homecoming ' 01! Spencer and Sarah. Me and Ryan. Christian and Katie. Drew and Kaylyn.

Spring Dance '01!!! Rachel, Keely, and Tara! You gurls are gorgeous!

Me and my mother at Mother/Daughter Brunch '01

Me and my lil' cousin, Marissa, designing the gingerbread house. Doesn't it look yummy!

Me and My gurl from Philly, Michelle, out in the backyard playin' with the sprinkler. LOL!